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Search: Dec *At *Addy[^A-Za-z]

Topics in Library web: Changed: now 09:00 GMT Changed by:
CommonTEProblems 27 Jan 2007 - 00:41 - r1.5 Jared Karagen?
The following are some problems that I see people running into fairly often when using TurboEdit. If I've forgotten any, please add both the problem and the solution ...  
DecAtAddy 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW TWiki Guest
Dec At Addy is the decimal equivalent of the hex value at the specified address or location. So if the address was 1094h and the hex value at 1094h was FF then DecAtAddy ...  
OBD0Fuel 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW TWiki Guest
OBD0 fuel formula: a 2 ^ ColumnMultiplier pulsewidth in ms (DecAtAddy (224/a))/(208/a)  
OBD0Ignition 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW TWiki Guest
OBD0 ignition formula: (DecAtAddy-15) x .36  
OBD0VTEC 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW TWiki Guest
OBD0 and OBD1 VTEC formula: RPM (DecAtAddy 128) x 62.52  

Number of topics: 5

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